Woden, Chisholm and Canberra News
New Plant in Canberra
Canberra has a new plant in Woden. The Sunday services have been in existance for just a few months. February 16th -17th will be a time of training and ministry in the area of the Spiritual Gifts. Practical training will available for all believers to experience the power of God in operating the Gifts.
References will be made to the Ministry Gifts in Ephesians chapter 4; the Motivational Gifts in Romans chapter 12 and the Spiritual Gifts in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. The ballance and necessity of Charater and Charisma working in harmony in our lives will be a key focus of these sessions.
Life City Church meets on Sundays 10.30am at the Woden Youth Centre in Callam Street. Joshua and Angela Reading and their two beautiful boys are much loved by their team and are excited about the growth they have experienced in the last few months.
Our recent visit was inspiring to see both sets of parents attending the training sessions. Joshua’s parents pastor in Cooma and support them in this amazing journey. As we travel around this nation we can see the blessing of having parents and family memebers work together to bring in the harvest. The love and support needed by the lead couple is often lacking and to see such beautiful team work makes our job so much more rewarding.
Pastor David & Angie Armstrong are working with an exciting new project in Chisholm with the Aboriginal Community. Each Sunday afternoon 30-50 primary school aged chilren bring themselves to the KIDS OUTREACH at the local school. Up to 10-12 mothers, aunties and grandmothers come along to enjoy the lively music, games and bbq sponsored by Nation Light Church in Canberra. Plans are being made toward a KIDS CLUB school holiday program during the July holidays. The work needs a couple who live in Chishom to take up the lead and run with this heart touching amazing work. In all my years of travel we have not seen more beautiful and gentle children full of laughter and fun. Sally Roo the (Aboriginal Clown) bounced along with us this trip and face painted, sang and told the most amazing stories. God continues to bless the work with willing servants who come to sing, share thier stories and teach them God’s word.
On our return home we called in for a quick visit with the beautiful Pastor John & Angela Abakah in goulburn Christian Life Centre. What a joy it was as we all prayed for the very new ministry called, “Velocity” primarily for people 18 to 30 year olds. They meet at 2/40 Citizen Street. Where else would you be able to walk out the door after picking up a bag of ‘free’ apples but Goulburn? This is a beautiful city with approximately 24,000 people.